Упражнения на количество. Указатели количества Much, Many. Упражнения (для начинающих) Много мало в английском языке упражнения

Употребление much, many, a lot of, (a) little, (a) few

1. Поставьте «+» при правильном использовании «much» или «many», поставьте «-» - при неверном.

    We don’t have many food in the house.

    I can’t give you many information about the company.

    I need much apples for the pie.

    How many people are there in your office?

    There is much wine in the

    She doesn’t have many luggage.

    My son earns much money now.

    They saw many snow in the mountains.

    I have tried diving many times in my life.

    John will have much exams next year.

2. Используйте «much» или «many» для выражения «Сколько…?».

    How … days?

    How … sugar?

    How … cigarettes?

    How … work?

    How … petrol?

    How … children?

    How … theatres?

    How … juice?

3. Поставьте «a lot of» (много) в необходимом месте в предложении.

    We met interesting people at the party.

    I ate fish for lunch.

    She bought nice shoes for the next summer.

    They have problems in their business.

    There is water in the bath.

4. Перепишите вопросы, заменив some на «a little» или «a few».

    Would you like some cheese?

    Would you like some mineral water?

    Would you like some strawberries?

    Can I offer you some black coffee?

    Can I offer you some bread?

    Shall I bring you some biscuits?

    Shall I bring you some plums?

    Would you like some meat?

5. Поставьте подходящее слово из скобок.

    There is too … (much/many/a few) salt in the soup. (В супе слишком много соли.)

    There are … (much/a little/a few) sky-scrapers in our city. (В нашем городе есть несколько небоскребов.)

    I’ve got … (much/a few/a little) albums of this singer. (У меня есть несколько альбомов этого исполнителя.)

    My job allows me to travel … (much/many/a few). (Моя работа позволяет мне много путешествовать.)

    We’ve got … (little/many/few) free time. (У нас мало свободного времени.)

    I have never seen so … (much/little/many) stars in the sky. (Я никогда не видел так много звезд в небе.)

    Anna spent … (much/a few/a little) days in Rome. (Анна провела несколько дней в Риме.)

    I’d like just … (much/a few/a little) tea. (Я бы хотел лишь немного чая.)

    There was very … (little/few/many) rain last autumn. (Прошлой осенью было очень мало дождей.)

    Very … (few/little/much) Russian tourists are staying at our hotel. (Очень мало русских туристов проживает в нашем отеле.)

6. Вставьте much или many

1. I don"t eat mangoes. 2. Не eats fish. 3. She ate so dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache. 4. That man drank so wine, and he smoked so cigarettes that he has a terrible headache today. 5. Mary must not eat too salt because she has problems with her blood pressure. 6. My mother says I eat too French fries and drink too beer. She wants her son to be healthy. 7. There is not too space in my flat. 8. There are new pictures in this room. 9. There are teachers at our school, and of them are women. 10. of these plays are quite new. 11. Thanks awfully for the books you sent me yesterday. - Don"t mention it, it wasn"t bother. 12. of her advice was useful. 13. He had pairs of socks. 14. Please don"t put pepper on the meat. 15. There were plates on the table. 16. I never eat bread with soup. 17. Why did you eat so ice cream? 18. She wrote us letters from the country. 19. of these students don"t like to look up words in the dictionary. 20. in this work was too difficult for me. 21. of their answers were excellent. 22. of their conversation was about the institute.

7. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов

Мало домов, мало чая, мало чашек, мало яблок, мало окон, мало бумаги, мало кофе, мало статей, мало радости, мало супа, мало деревьев, мало травы, мало детей, мало игрушек, мало света, мало парт, мало колбасы, мало сока, мало книг, мало цветов, мало соли, мало друзей, мало дворцов.

8. Вставьте little или few

l. Не has got friends. 2. I drink coffee. I don"t like it. 3. We must hurry. We"ve got very time. 4. There are very scholarships for students in this university. 5. The Smiths have money. They aren"t rich. 6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very people there. 7. There was lemonade in the bottle. There were peaches in the basket. 8. I have time, so I can"t go with you. 9. He has English books. 10. There is ink in my pen. Have you got any ink? 11. There are bears in the zoo. 12. Tom Canty was the son of poor parents and had very clothes. 13. There is too soup in my plate. Give me some more, please. 14. The children returned from the wood very sad because they had found very mushrooms. 15. There was too light in the room, and I could not read. 16. There are very people who don"t know that the Earth is round.

9. Вставьте much, many, little или few

1. Robert wrote so letters that he"s never going to write a letter again. 2. She ate so ice cream that she"s going to have a sore throat. 3. There is mayonnaise in Vera"s kitchen. She has to go to the supermarket and buy some. 4. There are cookies in the box. I should have bought them last Monday. 5. Does your sister read ? - Yes, she does. And your brother? - Oh, he doesn"t. He has so books, but he reads very . 6. Have you work to do today? - No, not very . 7. Walk quicker, please. We have very time. 8. I am sorry to say, I have read very books by Walter Scott. 9. My broter is a young teacher. Every day he spends time preparing for his lessons. 10. I know very about the writer. It is the first book I am reading. 11. The pupils of our class ask questions at the lesson. They want to know everything. 12. You do not make mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it? - Oh, yes, I do, I work very .

10. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

Немного денег, мало денег, несколько стульев, мало стульев, несколько песен, мало песен, немного веселья, мало веселья, мало мальчиков, немного воды, несколько человек, мало воды, мало воздуха, мало столов, несколько минут, несколько кошек, мало травы, немного удачи, несколько дней, мало работы, немного соли, несколько ложек, мало света, мало окон, несколько машин, немного сахару, мало яиц, мало сыра.

11. Вставьте a little, a few

This is my mother"s favorite recipe for fruitcake, and everybody says it"s out of this world!

1. Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl.

2. Add sugar.

3. Slice apples.

4. Cut up oranges.

5. Pour in honey.

6. Add baking soda.

7. Chop up nuts.

8. Add salt.

9. Mix in raisins.

10. Bake for 45 minutes.

Enjoy, dear!

12. Вставьте little, a little, few или a few

1. There is salad left in this bowl. 2. Would you like salad? - Yes, thank you. My doctor says it"s good for my health. 3. I have money, so we can go to the cinema. 4. I have money, so we cannot go to the cinema. 5. This girl works very , that"s why she knows nothing. 6. Mother gave us apples, and we were glad. 7. He did not like it at the camp: he had very friends there. 8. This lemon drink is sour; if you put sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 9. This lemon drink is sour; if you put lumps of sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 10. The hall was almost empty: there were very people in it. 11. I can"t buy this expensive hat today: I have too money. 12. She left and returned in minutes. 13. I think you can spare me time now. 14. I am sorry I have seen plays by this author.

Существительные в английском языке делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые.

Исчисляемые существительные можно посчитать, например, две чашки, три книги.

Неисчисляемые существительные НЕЛЬЗЯ посчитать, например, два хлеба, три снега.

В этом уроке мы будем разбираться, какие существительные в английском языке являются исчисляемыми, а какие неисчисляемыми, а также как правильно употреблять указатели количества much, many (много) с такими существительными.

Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Правила и упражнения

Упражнение 1. Выпишите данные существительные в соответствующие колонки таблицы:
Bread, lemon, water, woman, cheese, sugar, meat, beer, wine, room, bottle, boy, money, glass (стекло), table, dog, glass (стакан), girl, tea, car, milk.

Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Правила употребления

Правило 1. Неисчисляемые имена существительные, например, молоко, вода, снег, и др. употребляются только в единственном числе.

Упражнение 2.
1) Книги на столе.
2) Молоко в стакане.
3) Дети в доме.
4) Собаки во дворе.
5) Трава в саду.
6) Цветы в поле.
7) Звезды в небе.
8) Снег на крыше.
9) Птицы на дереве.
10) Деревья в лесу.

Все существительные в этом упражнении следует употреблять в определенным артиклем the , так как имеются в виду определенные предметы. Повторить тему

Правило 2 . Запомните указатели количества , правильное употребление которых зависит от того, является ли существительное исчисляемым или нет.

much money – много денег
much food – много еды
many people – много людей

Упражнение 3. Вставьте вместо точек much или many.

  1. There isn’t … money in the pocket.
  2. There aren’t… pears in the basket.
  3. There isn’t … food left.
  4. There are … grapes on the bunch.
  5. There are … hamburgers on the plate.
  6. There isn’t … jam on the plate.
  7. There is … money in his purse.
  8. There are … people in the street.

Правило 3 . Слова a lot/ much могут также употребляться в роли наречия, то есть отвечать на вопрос как? (совершается действие)

He doesn’t read much. — Он мало читает. (обратный перевод)
Does the cat sleep much ? — Кот много спит?
She works a lot . — Она работает много.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

много есть, много спать, много смотреть телевизор, много болтать, много говорить по-английски

Упражнение 5. Составьте и запиши как можно больше предложений.

Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуск в вопросительных предложениях, используя слова: s ugar, salt, lemons, oranges, juice, tea, jam, sandwiches, butter, bread

1. How many (much) … have you got?
2. How many (much) … (is/are) left? (осталось)

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский, используя указатели количества many, much.

много денег, много дней, много лет, много зим, много времени, много людей, много гостей, много детей, много музыки, много света, много домов, много комнат, сколько книг, сколько историй, сколько хлеба, сколько молока, сколько воды, сколько чая, сколько яблок, сколько ягод

Упражнение 8. Вставьте вместо точек some, any, how much, how many.

Dan and Mary are making a shopping list. — Денис и Мария составляют список покупок.

D: Have we got… cheese?
M: Yes, we’ve got….
D: … cheese have we got?
M: One slice.
D: We haven’t got… scones and there aren’t… chips. Shall we buy…?
M: OK. We’ll get… scones and … chips.
D: What about potatoes? Are there … potatoes?
M: Yes, there are ….
D: Is there … rice?
M: No, there isn’t… rice. We’ve got to buy ….
D: … rice do we need?

Здравствуйте! Я надеюсь, вы помните, с английскими существительными. В этом уроке мы заканчиваем изучение этих указателей количества. Упражнения ниже помогут вам закрепить весь материал и разобраться, чем все-таки местоимения few, little отличаются от a few и a little.

Давайте вспомним, что нужно использовать
much с неисчисляемыми, а many с исчисляемыми существительными в значении «много»;
аналогично little / few в значении «мало, недостаточно»,
аналогично a little / a few в положительном смысле в значении «немного»,
much/ a lot / little после глагола в качестве наречий.

Указатели количества Many, much, (a) few, (a) little . Упражнения для продолжающих (уровень 3)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в пропуски many, much, few, little по смыслу.
I can rest today, I have few things to do. (мало)
I am very busy today, I have many things to do. (много)

  1. It was not a secret, very ________ people knew about it.
  2. I was a secret, very ________ people knew about it.
  3. She ate so ______ apple pie yesterday that she is never going to eat it again.
  4. They ate so _____ oranges that they had a stomachache.
  5. We can’t get into the taxi, we are too _________
  6. They were _____ and decided not to attack.
  7. My sister did a lot of shopping and spent ________ money.
  8. The old man was poor. He had ______ money to live on.
  9. I have so ________books to read that I don’t know what to start with.
  10. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw______of his old friends.

СРАВНИТЕ few (little) означает мало (недостаточно), в то время как a few (a little) означает немного.

She has a little free time and can have a rest. – У нее есть немного времени, и она может отдохнуть.
She has little free time. She is always very busy. – У нее мало свободного времени. Она всегда очень занята.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в пропуски (a) few, (a) little по смыслу.

1. She earns ________ money and can’t buy expensive clothes.
2. She has earned ______ money and can buy a handbag.
3. He had very _______information on the subject and could add nothing.
4. He had ______on the subject and could add some details.
5. The child has _____ friends and he sometimes feels lonely.
6. It is good if you have _____close friends.
7. They ate _____ food and were not hungry anymore.
8. They ate _____ food and they were still hungry.
9. _____ people like him because he was a bore! (зануда)
10. The woman was glad because ____ people came to help her in the garden.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте в пропуски much, little, a little в качестве наречия.

  1. I love him very _____.
  2. I speak English ______. (немного)
  3. She earns _______ and can go to the restaurants every week.
  4. She earns _______money, she can’t go to the restaurants.
  5. _______was spoken but nobody believed it. (никто)
  6. Say _________ (мало) but do _________(много).
  7. Don’t talk too ____, he is very tired and needs a rest.
  8. She slept _____ last night and had a bad headache.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте в пропуски по смыслу.

  1. She ate so ______ fish yesterday that she is never going to eat fish again.
  2. He ate so ___________ prawns that he is never going to eat a prawn again.
  3. Could you give me _______ biscuits?
  4. I gave him __________words of advice.Last week there was so
  5. ________rain that I couldn’t go out.
  6. He knows _________ but the __________he knows he knows well.
  7. She has very __________knowledge of the matter.
  8. ________people heard about the book, but _________ people read it.
  9. I had __________ close friends here, so I feel very lonely.
  10. I am afraid he always thinks too ___________.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте в пропуски much, many, (a) little, (a) few по смыслу.

  1. There isn’t ________ harm in that.
  2. Give _______ milk to the kitten, please?
  3. _____ was said but there are still ______things I should like to add.
  4. Susan returned to the city at the moment when______were leaving it.
  5. I have so______things to do that I don’t know which to do first.
  6. I suggested that he should get______ wine and some bread.
  7. I began to miss London very _____
  8. The cat has eaten so______that it can’t move.
  9. ______was said (было сказано) but______ was done (было сделано).
  10. _____ heard about the book, but______read it.

Упражнение 6.

  1. В бутылке есть немного кока-колы.
  2. У нее мало одежды.
  3. Кто из них переводит много статей с русского на английский?
  4. Сколько иностранных языков вы собираетесь учить?
  5. Извините, у меня мало времени, и я не могу долго разговаривать с вами.
  6. Мы будем обедать через несколько минут. 9. В комнате много света. 10. Вы пригласили много гостей?
  7. Ты знаешь много французских слов?
  8. У вас много бумаги. Дайте мне немного, пожалуйста.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. У нас сегодня было много посетителей.
  2. Он зарабатывал мало денег и не мог жить в большом городе.
  3. Мама дала мне много поручений (things to do), но я смог выполнить только несколько.
  4. Я прочел много книг по этому вопросу.
  5. Сейчас в школе мало детей, сейчас каникулы.
  6. По воскресеньям в парке много людей.
  7. У вас сегодня много или мало работы?
  8. В субботу в магазинах много народа.

Much / many упражнения

Упражнение 1. Insert much or many.

Do you drink ________coffee? I like reading. I read _________ books. We have _______ lessons of English this year. I can"t remember _______ from this text. Do you learn _______ new English words every day? We haven"t got ________ bread. I can"t spend ________ money on toys.


They have too _______ furniture in the room. There are too _____ books on your desk. You have too _____ mistakes in the test. You must drink ______ coffee. You put too ______ vegetables in the soup. Must we learn _____ words for today? We have got _____ sandwiches.

Упражнение 3. Insert much or many.

They don"t have ________ words to learn. There isn"t ________ furniture in the room. There aren"t ________ things in the wardrobe. There isn"t ________ snow in the forest He has got I don"t take ________ money to school. Do you need ________ money? There are ________ new houses in the street. There are not ________ shops in our street.

Упражнение 4. Insert much or many.

You can see ________ cars near the airport You mustn"t eat so ________ bananas You mustn"t drink so ______ coffee. He bought _______ furniture for his new flat. This work won"t take ______ time. Have we got _______ apples for the children? I don"t like _______ salt in the salad. My little sister speaks _________ that"s why we call her «a chatter box».


We didn"t take many food with us.

There are nоt much new subjects this year.

I haven"t much free time today.

He doesn"t do much written exercises every day.

We don"t drink many coffee in our family.

There isn"t much furniture in my room.

There wasn"t many happiness in his face.

Мany new ideas were discussed.

We have much lessons tomorrow.

I don’t have much mistakes in this exercise.

Much / many упражнения (ответы)

Упражнение 1. Insert much or many.

Do you drink much coffee? I like reading. I read many books. We have many lessons of English this year. I can"t remember much from this text. Do you learn many new English words every day? We haven"t got much bread. I can"t spend much money on toys

Упражнение 2. Choose the appropriate answer. Much or many?

They have too much furniture in the room. There are too many books on your desk. You have too many mistakes in the test. You must drink much coffee. You put too many vegetables in the soup. Must we learn many words for today? We have got many sandwiches.

Упражнение 3. Insert much or many.

They don"t have many words to learn. There isn"t much furniture in the room. There aren"t many things in the wardrobe. There isn"t much snow in the forest. Do you need much money? There are many new houses in the street. There are not many shops in our street.

Упражнение 4. Insert much or many.

You can see ________ cars near the airport. You mustn"t eat so ________ bananas You mustn"t drink so ______ coffee. He bought _______ furniture for his new flat. This work won"t take ______ time. Have we got _______ apples for the children? I don"t like _______ salt in the salad My little sister speaks _________ that"s why we call her «a chatter box».

Упражнение 4. - Many, - many, - much, - much, - much, - many, - much, - much

Упражнение 5. Find and correct mistakes if any.

We didn"t take many food with us. There aren"t much new subjects this year. I haven"t much free time today. He doesn"t do much written exercises every day. We don"t drink many coffee in our family. There isn"t much furniture in my room There wasn"t many happiness in his face. Not many new ideas were discussed. We shan"t have much lessons tomorrow. I won"t have much mistakes in this exercise.

Упражнение 5. 1 many - much, 2 much - many, 3 correct, 4 much - many, 5 many - much, 6 correct, 7 many - much, 8 correct, 9 much - many, 10 much - many.

little / few / a little / a few упражнения

Упражнение. Вставьте little или few.

    He has got ________ friends.

    I drink ______ coffee. I don’t like it.

    We must hurry. We’ve got very _______ time.

    The Smiths have ______ money. They aren’t rich.

    The theatre was almost empty. There were very ________ people there.

    There was ______ lemo­nade in the bottle.

    I have _______ time, so I can’t go with you.

    He has _______ English books.

    There is ______ juice in my glass.

    There are ________ bears in the zoo.

    Tom Canty was the son of poor parents and had very _______ clothes.

    There is too ________ soup in my soup plate. Give me some more, please.

    There was too _______ light in the room, and I could not read.

Упражнение. Вставьте «a little» или «a few».

    There is _____ milk in the bottle.

    There are _______ tomatoes on the kitchen table. Make a salad!

    Add ______ salt to the salad.

    Тhe fruit­cake will be ready in ______ minutes.

    I’ve got... time now and I can talk to you.

Упражнение. Вставьте «much», «many», «little», «few», «a little» или «a few».

    Have you got _____ money on you?

    At the conference we met _____ people.

    If you have _____ spare time, look through this book. You will find ______ stories there which are rather interesting.

    There are ______ things here which I cannot understand.

    Shall I bring _____ more chalk? - No, thank you. There is ____ chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson.

    He had ____ English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books.

    She gave him _____ water to wash his hands and face.

Самостоятельная работа:

Ex. 1. Find and correct mistakes if any. Translate the sentences

1. We didn"t take many food with us.

2. There are nоt much new subjects this year.

3. I haven"t much free time today.

4. He doesn"t do much written exercises every day.

5. We don"t drink many coffee in our family.

6. There isn"t much furniture in my room.

Ex. 2. Вставьте «much», «many», «little», «few», «a little» или «a few». Translate the sentences

1. Have you got _____ money?

2. At the conference we met _____ people.

3. If you have _____ spare time, look through this book. You will find ______ stories there which are rather interesting.

4. There are ______ things here which I cannot understand.

5. Shall I bring _____ more chalk? - No, thank you. There is ____ chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson.

6. He had ____ English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books.

7. She gave him _____ water to wash his hands and face.

Ex. 3. Find and correct mistakes if any. Translate the sentences

1. There wasn"t many happiness in his face.

2. Мany new ideas were discussed.

3. We have much lessons tomorrow.

4. I don’t have much mistakes in this exercise.

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Упражнение 1.

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на перевод слов much, a little, few, many .

1. Мы много работаем по субботам.
2. Он обычно задает мало вопросов на уроках.
3. Они занимаются английским языком много часов в неделю.
4. В классе мы обычно обсуждаем много вопросов.
5. Я не люблю писать много писем. Мне нравится получать много писем.
6. Он читает мало французских книг.
7. Кто из них переводит много статей с русского на английский? - Петров.
8. Я знаю о них очень мало.
9. Сколько иностранных языков вы собираетесь учить?
10. Она работает много и обычно получает много хороших оценок.
11. На английских уроках мы мало говорим на русском языке.
12. Кто знает много французских слов? - Мы. Мы знаем много французских слов, но мало английских слов.
13. Каждый день мы получаем много иностранных газет и журналов.
14. Вы мало работаете вместе.
15. Они любит много ходить пешком.
16. Мы мало читаем в классе. Мы много читаем дома.
17. Она работает слишком много. Она работает 6 дней в неделю.
18. В классе мы делаем много упражнений.
19. Многие инженеры нашего учреждения изучают иностранные языки.


1. We work much on Saturday.

15. She likes walking much.

1. We work much on Saturday.
2. He doesn’t usually ask many questions in class.
3. They have their English many hours a week.
4. We usually discuss many questions in class.
5. I don’t like to write many letters. I like to receive many letters.
6. He reads few French books. (= He doesn’t read many French books.)
7. Which of them translates many articles from Russian into English? - Petrov does.
8. I know too little about them.
9. How many foreign languages are you going to learn?
10. She works much and usually gets many good marks.
11. We don’t speak Russian much at the English lessons.
12. Who knows many French words? - We do. We know many English words, but we know few English words.
13. Every day we get many foreign newspapers and magazines.
14. You work together very little.
15. She likes walking much.
16. We read little in class. (= We don’t read much in class.) We read much at home.
17. She works too much.She works 6 days a week.
18. We do a lot of exercises in class.
19. Many engineees of our office learn foreign languages.

Упражнение 2.

Вставьте few, a few, little, a little :

1. My sister likes *** sugar in her tea, and I like a lot in mine.

2. There is *** time before the classes. We can talk.

3. He has got *** money. He can’t buy this house.

4. Are there many vacant rooms in the hotel? - No, there are *** .

5. There is *** sun in this rainy country.

6. She says she wants to buy *** milk and *** oranges.

7. Do many people know about this new shop? - No, very *** .

8. There is *** coffee in my cup. Give me *** more.

9. *** of my friends live in Canada.

10. I’ve got *** money to pay for this lemonade. Drink it.


1. My sister likes little sugar in her tea, and I like a lot in mine.

2. There is a little time before the classes. We can talk.

3. He has got little money. He can’t buy this house.

4. Are there many vacant rooms in the hotel? - No, there are few .

5. There is little sun in this rainy country.

6. She says she wants to buy a little milk and a few oranges.

7. Do many people know about this new shop? - No, very few .

8. There is little coffee in my cup. Give me a little more.

9. A few of my friends live in Canada.

10. I’ve got a little money to pay for this lemonade. Drink it.

Упражнение 3.

Заполните пробелы словосочетаниями how many или how much:

1. *** lemonade have we got? Not much.

2. *** bottles are there? Three.

3. *** meat is there? We have got two steaks.

4. *** bottles have we got? We haven’t got any.

5. *** sugar have we got? Enough.

6. *** bread have we got? Some.

7. *** pens are there in your bag? Six.

8. *** money have we got? We haven’t got a lot.

9. *** bikes are there in the garden? Two.

10. *** children have they got? Two girls and a boy.

11. *** milk have we got? About one and a half liter.

12. *** years is this wine? It’s 22 years old.


1. How much lemonade have we got? Not much.

2. How many bottles are there? Three.

3. How much meat is there? We have got two steaks.

4. How many bottles have we got? We haven’t got any.

5. How much sugar have we got? Enough.

6. How much bread have we got? Some.

7. How many pens are there in your bag? Six.

8. How much money have we got? We haven’t got a lot.

9. How many bikes are there in the garden? Two.

10. How many children have they got? Two girls and a boy.

11. How much milk have we got? About one and a half liter.

12. How many years is this wine? It’s 22 years old.
